The practice regrets that it cannot offer telephone or email consultations to patients who are outside of the UK, and for legal reasons we are not in a position to deal with any clinical issues involving patients who are abroad. If you are travelling abroad, you should ensure that you have adequate medical/travel insurance.
In the event that you require medical assistance, you should seek a local service and inform your insurance company as appropriate.
On return from your travels, please do not hesitate to contact the surgery if you need further assistance and bring any relevant medical information relating to the episode with you.
If you’re travelling in Europe, apply for a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which may give you access to reduced cost medical treatment in Europe.
For more general information about healthcare abroad, go to the NHS Choices website ( ) and search for ‘healthcare abroad.’
Have you signed up for GP Online Services? Sign up and you’ll be able to:
- View parts of your GP medical record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results.
- View clinical correspondence such as hospital discharge summaries, outpatient and referral letters.
- Order repeat prescriptions
The service is free – contact the Practice if you’d like more details.